Not quite a holiday...

Posted by J. on Monday, February 16, 2009

Today is President's Day, a federal holiday. Unfortunately, for me, PCC has decided not to treat it as a holiday and has classes today. This posed a problem, because the wedding shower being thrown by Eden's aunt Pat tonight would conflict with my second exam in Biology, a class I NEED to do well in. With that in mind, I talked things over with the instructor and took the exam early, on Friday. On both this exam and the last, she seemed rather stunned at how fast I finished. I don't understand that - this is purely a knowledge-based exam; there's no problem solving or actual thought involved - just recall and understanding. You either know an answer and can respond immediately, or you use the other answers and questions to at least eliminate incorrect answers, neither of which take much time at all. I guess it's just a matter of perception. I get along well with tests, especially multiple choice or simple answer; give me a PHD level physics test in this format and I should at least be able to do better than pure chance just by taking advantage of the structure. I don't really get how this isn't a common skill. In this class, the exams come in three sections, one multiple choice, one short answer, and one essay or multipart - it suits me very well.

In any case, it seemed to go fairly smoothly; I'd judge my likely grade to be in the 80-90% range, which feels pretty good. This exam was much, much more memory based; I haven't studied that hard in a long while, if ever - I was very nervous about it and was still throwing around flash cards minutes before I took the test to try to keep what I needed in short term memory.

Not too much else to report on the school front, at the moment; a couple of largish projects due this week, but I'm not done quite yet. On the other hand, the schedule for next term has been published, and I've worked out a preliminary setup for myself. Can't register until the 27th, but if this works out it'll be a good way to keep things relatively close to my new digs.

WR122 English Composition

26452 Cascade / TH / 204 11:00 AM-12:50 PM

MW 30-Mar-2009 thru 10-Jun-2009
Instructor: Melody Wilson
Tuition: credit Fees: $0.00

MTH112 Elementary Functions (Trig)

21556 Cascade / TH / 200 03:30 PM-05:50 PM

MW 30-Mar-2009 thru 10-Jun-2009
Instructor: Matthew W Funk
Tuition: credit Fees: $0.00

BI 231 Human Anatomy and Physiology

22009 Cascade / JH / 104 06:00 PM-07:20 PM

MW 30-Mar-2009 thru 10-Jun-2009
Instructor: Mark M Perkins
Tuition: credit Fees: $12.00
22014 Cascade / JH / 110 07:30 PM-08:50 PM

MW 30-Mar-2009 thru 10-Jun-2009
Instructor: Mark M Perkins
Tuition: credit Fees: $0.00

CH104 General Chemistry

Linked Sections: Choose one section from each type below.
22416 Cascade / JH / 112 01:00 PM-03:50 PM

Sa 04-Apr-2009 thru 13-Jun-2009
Instructor: Tracey Scherban
Tuition: credit Fees: $12.00
and Cascade / JH / 112 04:00 PM-04:50 PM

Sa 04-Apr-2009 thru 13-Jun-2009
Instructor: Tracey Scherban
23641 Cascade / JH / 214 09:00 AM-11:50 AM

Sa 04-Apr-2009 thru 13-Jun-2009
Instructor: Tracey Scherban
Tuition: credit Fees: $0.00


WEB » 24352 - 30-Mar-2009 thru 12-Jun-

Instructor: Kathleen E Carrigan
Web Course: Important - See Course Information Page.
Tuition: credit Fees: $20.00
For information, contact Cascade
and - 30-Mar-2009 thru 12-Jun-

Instructor: Kathleen E Carrigan
For information, contact Cascade
WEB » 24354 - 30-Mar-2009 thru 12-Jun-

Instructor: Kathleen E Carrigan
Web Course: Important - See Course Information Page.
Tuition: credit Fees: $0.00
For information, contact Cascade


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