I suppose it's about time to give anyone that is still following this blog an update, since I've been neglecting it for a few months now. My study partners kind of petered out mid-term, apparently due to some internal social conflict of some sort, so I'm afraid I stopped bothering to post. Bad Josh, no cookie.
Long story short, I finished up the term with final grades landing at - Media Production A, Chem Lab B, Chem Lecture C, Anatomy B, Tai Chi D (Grade based purely on attendance... and migraines/side effects did not help me there) - weighted GPA for the MIT application landed at 3.08. I found out at the end of June that that simply wasn't enough as "this was a very competitive year", according to my advisor. Bleh.
So, after pausing a minimum amount of time to be devastated, Eden, Cassie, and I headed down to Klamath Falls to pick up all the stuff I'd left behind, and I'm trying to move forward. I'll be staying in Vancouver and going back to PCC. I'm planning to retake pretty much every class that the application committee will look at next year in hopes of improving my grades and keeping the material semi-fresh in my brain. We'll see how things go, eh? For anyone that's interested, my fall schedule is posted below.
Oh, as a secondary thought, I've made some fairly large dietary changes over the past month, which has had the positive effect of largely muting the horrible migraines I've been suffering from over the last year. It's not a solved problem, but it's a hell of a lot closer to livable. Hopefully it'll help to let me concentrate in school as well.
CRN: 46575 - Digital Photography - ART 140 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 3.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
9:00 AM - 11:50 AM TR Moriarty Arts Humanities Bldg 217 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 TBA
Fall 2010 Total Credit Hours: 16.000
CRN: 41919 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I - BI 231 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 4.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
6:00 PM - 7:20 PM TR Jackson Hall 104 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Salti (P)E-mail
CRN: 43050 - Human Anat & Phy I (Lab) - BI 231 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 0.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
7:30 PM - 8:50 PM TR Jackson Hall 219 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Salti (P)E-mail
CRN: 44721 - General Chemistry (Lab) - CH 104 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 0.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
3:00 PM - 5:50 PM T Jackson Hall 214 21-SEP-2010 - 07-DEC-2010 Hart (P)E-mail
CRN: 40094 - General Chemistry - CH 104 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 5.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
12:30 PM - 2:20 PM TR Jackson Hall 104 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Hart (P)E-mail
TBA TR TBA 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Hart (P)E-mail
CRN: 41080 - Introduction to C - CS 133U - 0 Status: RW Credits: 4.000 Campus: Distance Learning
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
TBA Distance Learning LEARN 20-SEP-2010 - 11-DEC-2010 Nautiyal (P)E-mail