I suppose it's about time to give anyone that is still following this blog an update, since I've been neglecting it for a few months now. My study partners kind of petered out mid-term, apparently due to some internal social conflict of some sort, so I'm afraid I stopped bothering to post. Bad Josh, no cookie.
Long story short, I finished up the term with final grades landing at - Media Production A, Chem Lab B, Chem Lecture C, Anatomy B, Tai Chi D (Grade based purely on attendance... and migraines/side effects did not help me there) - weighted GPA for the MIT application landed at 3.08. I found out at the end of June that that simply wasn't enough as "this was a very competitive year", according to my advisor. Bleh.
So, after pausing a minimum amount of time to be devastated, Eden, Cassie, and I headed down to Klamath Falls to pick up all the stuff I'd left behind, and I'm trying to move forward. I'll be staying in Vancouver and going back to PCC. I'm planning to retake pretty much every class that the application committee will look at next year in hopes of improving my grades and keeping the material semi-fresh in my brain. We'll see how things go, eh? For anyone that's interested, my fall schedule is posted below.
Oh, as a secondary thought, I've made some fairly large dietary changes over the past month, which has had the positive effect of largely muting the horrible migraines I've been suffering from over the last year. It's not a solved problem, but it's a hell of a lot closer to livable. Hopefully it'll help to let me concentrate in school as well.
CRN: 46575 - Digital Photography - ART 140 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 3.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
9:00 AM - 11:50 AM TR Moriarty Arts Humanities Bldg 217 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 TBA
Fall 2010 Total Credit Hours: 16.000
CRN: 41919 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I - BI 231 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 4.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
6:00 PM - 7:20 PM TR Jackson Hall 104 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Salti (P)E-mail
CRN: 43050 - Human Anat & Phy I (Lab) - BI 231 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 0.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
7:30 PM - 8:50 PM TR Jackson Hall 219 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Salti (P)E-mail
CRN: 44721 - General Chemistry (Lab) - CH 104 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 0.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
3:00 PM - 5:50 PM T Jackson Hall 214 21-SEP-2010 - 07-DEC-2010 Hart (P)E-mail
CRN: 40094 - General Chemistry - CH 104 - 0 Status: RW Credits: 5.000 Campus: Cascade Campus
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
12:30 PM - 2:20 PM TR Jackson Hall 104 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Hart (P)E-mail
TBA TR TBA 21-SEP-2010 - 09-DEC-2010 Hart (P)E-mail
CRN: 41080 - Introduction to C - CS 133U - 0 Status: RW Credits: 4.000 Campus: Distance Learning
Time Days Where Date Range Instructors
TBA Distance Learning LEARN 20-SEP-2010 - 11-DEC-2010 Nautiyal (P)E-mail
Dr. McVay has posted her notes and study guide for the entire term already. Since many of you are studying with Dr. Li, you may not have access to this resource through Blackboard, so here's a link to the entire thing, zipped. Enjoy!
BIO 233 A&P Unit 1 Flashcards
BIO 233 A&P Lab 2 Flashcards
CHEM 101 Flashcards - Significant Figures Drill by kwedding9
And we're back. Grades are in for last term, landing me at a 3.5 for that period, which I'm quite happy with. In thinking about the upcoming term, there's going to be what some might consider a policy change here. I'm still generating custom cards for A&P, since the terms we're using may not be the same used elsewhere, but posting my own notes here is a bit redundant as McVay is handing hers out digitally. (Perhaps I'll post those if people in other classes would find them useful, lemme know in comments), and I see no reason to re-invent the wheel for chemistry and such if other people have made usable cards for the respective subjects. Thus, links to appropriate subjects will be posted along with my own material. What do you think?
BIO 233 A&P Lab 1 Flashcards
Metric system flashcard drill by todd18 for Chemistry 101 week 1 quiz
Metric system prefix flashcards by tpatten23 for Chemistry 101 week 1 quiz
BIO 232 A&P - Lecture notes 03-08-10
BIO 232 A&P - Lecture notes 03-10-10
BIO 232 A&P - Lecture notes 03-12-10
Finals coming up!
Here are links to all of the previous chapter flashcards as well as new material this week, so that you can study all in one place. You may have noticed that some previous flashcard files have disappeared from the blog; this is because they've been consolidated by chapter and expanded from the in chapter summaries and questions - all the info is still there, I promise.
Good luck on all your respective tests!
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 1 & 2 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 3 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 4 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 5 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 6 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 7 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 10 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 11 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 12 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 15 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 18 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Lab 1 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Lab 2 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Lab 3 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Lab 6 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Lab 8 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 12 - Central Nervous System - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 13 - Peripheral Nervous System - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 14 - Autonomic Nervous System - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 17 - Blood - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 18 - Heart - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 19 - Blood Vessels - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 20 - Lymphatic System - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 21 - Immune System System - Flashcards
Update - Dr. Torres just posted a practice final to the web - here's a version in flashcard form with the correct answers, taken from our notes.
BIO 232 A&P Practice Final - Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Chapter 19 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Lab 8 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Notes 02-22-10
Dr. Li subbing on 24th and 26th means no notes for A&P; she just goes too bloody fast to get anything down.
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 12 Flashcards
BIO 232 A&P Notes 01-25-10
BIO 232 A&P Notes 01-27-10
BIO 232 A&P Notes 01-29-10
BIO 232 A&P Lecture Chapter 13 - The Peripheral Nervous System - Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Notes 01-25-10
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Notes 01-27-10
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 5 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 6 Flashcards
New discovery this week; a program called ScrnSpltr for the ipod touch that allows you to use the Ipod screen and an external TV simultaneously, for any application. Unfortunately, it's not officially sanctioned by Apple, so you'll need a jailbroken ipod to download it from Cydia. Apple, if you're listening, this is the primary reason you have so many jailbroken ipods - simply to use the technology we've bought the way we want. After having thrown $170 at you for the Ipod itself and $48 for the dang cable (since you've intentionally broken offbrand AV cables, for no particular reason other than greed), as well as the blessedly reasonable $3 to Mental Case and $20 to Flashcard Exchange, I should darn well be able to do what I want with it. In any case, I anticipate that this will lead to far less time trying to crowd around one screen with the girls while trying to study.
BIO 232 A&P Notes, 01-11-10
BIO 232 A&P Notes, 01-13-10
BIO 232 A&P Notes, 01-15-10
BIO 232 A&P Lecture - Chapter 12 - The Central Nervous System
BIO 232 A&P Lab 2 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Notes, 01-11-10
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Notes, 01-13-10
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Chapter 3 Flashcards
Time for a new tradition, I think. This term I'm going to try to post notes and links to appropriate flashcards here. A placeholder post will go up on Mondays and will be revised as materials are generated. Just taking advantage of the fact that I seem to work better with accountability, and of course now I'll just be able to pass a link to the blog as a whole whenever I find a new victim that might like to take advantage of these resources.
BIO 232 A&P Notes, 01-04-10
BIO 232 A&P Notes, 01-06-10
BIO 232 A&P Notes, 01-08-10
BIO 232 A&P Lab 1 Flashcards
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Notes, 01-04-10
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Notes, 01-06-10
BIO 200 Medical Terminology Flashcards, Chapter 1 and 2

Fall term has been over for a while now, winter term actually started two days ago and things are back in swing here at OIT. Final grades for the term actually landed slightly above my expectations, two As and two Bs, for a final weighted GPA of 3.46, which actually put me on the dean's list for the term.
Funny thing about that - the day after I got my grades, I got a note that I had been put on academic suspension. Turns out the automated system that minds the store for the financial aid department decided that I was a lazy bum, based on the records it could see. There's a policy in place that students in the pre-MIT category, which I am, have to complete all requirements for acceptance to the program within 6 terms. Pretty generous, actually, as it only takes 3 terms to make up an academic year and it's more than reasonable to kill off the classes within that time. Trouble is, when you're talking about a transfer student (which I also am, since I want credit for all of the stuff I did for my previous degree), the system takes every term you've ever done into consideration for this equation, so I end up looking like I've spent 15 terms dinking around trying to get accepted to the program, instead of only being one term into the effort here at OIT.
Fortunately, this was pretty easy to address once I brought it to the attention of a helpful human. In theory, she has told the system to ignore me in that respect until next fall. I'll be formally applying to the program in late spring, so that should be enough.
Christmas vacation was interesting this year. With Eden in full on market mode for a good portion of the visit, I actually felt a bit impatient after the first week or so, being a bit bored and eager to make more progress towards getting this thing done. Idle fantasy prompts me to wish for a less structured approach that would allow me to put some of my insomnia hours to use. Distance learning would give some of this, but isn't terribly applicable to the current degree. Ah well, guess I'll just have to approach things at a more measured pace.
Once Eden finished with market, I got the chance to drag her to Minnesota to meet nearly all of my relatives, which landed as much more relaxing, since we were at the mercy of everyone else's schedule. Not having to make choices (for a little while) was actually quite nice. I would have preferred a break that landed later in December so that I'd have more free time with her, but it worked out ok.